[Diabetes-talk] Concerns about my blood sugar, and wanting thoughts about medication

Terri Stimmel princessterri76 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 12 18:13:50 UTC 2016

Hello everybody,

Probably a few months back, I wrote to the list and told you all about my situation with Met Forman. My doctor took me off of Met Forman, and I have been doing much better health wise.

He left me on my other medication which is,Victoza. I take 1.8 units in the morning, and I have been on this dose for a couple of years now. That has always worked well for me.
Well, he told me that he was not going to put me on another medication, because he didn't feel that there was anything else that was comparable to Met Forman. I was pretty bothered by this, and really didn't like it. But I didn't know how to talk to him about the issue.
He told me that he wanted me to take .6 units of theVictoza at night. I really wasn't comfortable with this, because I was always told that this medication was only taken once a day. But I figured I would try it, because I was worried about my blood sugar. I was supposed to go back and see him on October 18. But today I called them and told them that this Victoza alone was not working for me, and then I wanted to see if I could get an earlier appointment. So now I will be going into see him on October 4. I have a nurse that comes in once a week. I told her about the situation with the Victoza, and she didn't think I should be taking it at night either. I have been though, and it's just not making a difference. I'm trying to eat well, but this is a difficult thing for me. My blood sugars have been around 200, maybe about 160, or 170, in the morning. Sometimes at night they get over 200. But dad's on a day when I realize I have eaten worse than what I should have.
Anyway, my nurse recommended that I talk to my doctor about Januvia. I hope this is spelled correctly, or you wobble know what I am talking about? Anyway, do any of you take this medication? Do you have to take other medications with it, to control your diabetes?
Are there many side effects you have noticed?

My nurse says that this medication doesn't really have too many side effects, and that it is on my taken once a day.
I want to talk to my doctor about this. I've never been on a medication that you only took one today. But I want something else to help me. These blood sugar numbers have got to get lower. Last time I was at their office, the nurse made a comment that people with diabetes usually have hired a 1C readings.
I think my reading the last time I was there was 6.6, or something like that. But they didn't seem bothered by it. I was. I don't want to be the average diabetic. When I was on the Met Forman and doing well, mine would be around 5.3, or 5.5. This is what I prefer.

I know I need to eat better than I do. But that is hard when it's difficult for you to cook, or you can't always have someone cook for you. Plus, I don't like a lot of vegetables. I never have. Not to mention, I have tried turkey burger, and I think it is disgusting!

So any advice, or dogs would be very helpful. I would really appreciate it. This is starting to affect my body again. My liver enzymes have gone back up, and I have a fatty liver disease. So of course I don't want that. Also, my cholesterol is up.

So I would appreciate any help possible. I will keep you all posted as to what the doctor does when I see him on the fourth. I have to admit, right now I am not very pleased with him. And he used to be one of my doctors I really liked.

Thank you for reading. I hope you all have a great day.


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