[Diabetes-Talk] Your new president...

Bernadette Jacobs bernienfb75 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 1 19:25:42 UTC 2017

Good Afternoon Everyone!!!

Happy New Year!!!

Firstly, I'd like to begin by telling you a little bit about myself
for those of you who don't know me.  I'm aware, however that most of
you do.  I am Bernadette Jacobs, formerly, about 18 years ago,
Bernadette Krajewski.  I have been first vice-president now since, I
believe, about 2007.  Don't hesitate to correct me if somebody out
there finds me to be wrong.  At any rate, I did have a one-year break
while Sandy Ryan served just last year--2015-2016.  Thank you Sandy.
Since the unfortunate passing of our illustrious and fearless leader
Mike Freeman's passing, I will do my best to serve you as our Diabetes
Action Network's president and your list moderator.

I will warn you.  I can't do this all alone, however.  I need all of
you to work with me and teach me as you have done about our conditions
for the past so many years.  Most of what I have learned about my own
diabetes, I've learned from all of you.  You've been so gracious.  But
that's what we're in this thing for.  Right????  Helping each other
and taking care of each other.  So, I'd like to say, Welcome home and
Happy New Year!!!

I was diagnosed as a type II diabetic in about March of 1985.  This,
of course, was before the age of "pre-diabetes."  I have been insulin
dependent since 1999 when My husband Bill and I were first married and
I became pregnant with the baby we lost in miscarriage.  I have been a
member of the Diabetes Action Network, (DAN) since its inception in

My mother was a diabetic and I lost my mother to complications of
diabetes at the tender age of 13.  She, herself was only 47.  She had
three heart attacks, the third of which, resulted in her passing.  I
remember it as if were Yesterday.  When I came into DAN, I told it's
then president, Ed Bryant, that my mother was a diabetic and died of
complications.  He gave me that gentle kick in the seat of the pants,
"And you are diabetic too..."  Of course, he also recognized I was in
that old familiar river, "Denial???"  Ed Bryant, the gentle man he
was, took me under his fatherly wing and we worked together up until
his passing.  Mike came in and we all continued on.  I must say, that
his passing on December 24, shocked and deeply saddened me just as it
has everyone else.

Now, everyone, I'd like to take this time to thank you!!  For, it's
all of you who've taught me so much about the conditions that we share
together.  Taught me about insulin pumps, complications, and the
heartaches we've suffered together as well as foo the positive bits of
news.  There are so many of you that I simply can't wait to hear about
something new you've learned, discovered and/or whatever else.  It
simply warms my heart to the moon and back to hear from you as I feel
like we're such a great big family.  Isn't it wonderful???  I think
it's phantabulous!!!  SQUEEEEEZE!!!!!  i DO hope that all of you will
continue to write in with all your things, both good and bad so that
we can all continue to share, learn, and work together.  I'll miss you
if you don't!!

Until next time, take care and have a great day!!!

Below, I'll be posting my Email, so that you can write me offlist for
anything strictly confidential you might need help with.  I will then
share my cell phone with you that we may continue our work together.

Very Warmly,

Bernadette M. Jacobs, (Bernie, Bern).

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