[Diabetes-Talk] re another glucos mete rworth mentioning the clever chocie glucos meter

G melconian gmelconian619 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 21 17:21:04 UTC 2017

Hello I had a hard  time getting use to using the  protegy voice and so I
decided to  explore and se if I could find any others that would work for my
situation.  I did find another glucose meter worth mentioning its the clever
choice glucose meter. The good thing about the meter is that the test strips
are blind friendly by this I mean that they  are not like the regular test
strip where  the test strip is flast and not easy to distinguish.  But the
good thing about hese test strips is the athe tip of he stest strip wher you
are to give the blood sample.   It has a  bump that  you can feel its more
rounded   at the tip then being flat to use.  

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