[Diabetes-Talk] metformin and encopresis

Jude DaShiell jdashiel at panix.com
Tue Feb 20 12:37:37 UTC 2018

For some of us taking Metformin for long enough results in loss of good 
bowel control.  That happened to me.  The blood sugar and A1c are and have 
been under good control for the last few years though.  One thing I want 
to warn anyone who ends up with this kind of loss is to find better pants 
than Salk Sani-Pants!  Those work while wearing but are too poorly 
constructed to survive many laundry cycles.  The waterproofing breaks and 
then the pants have to be trashed.  I have heard about P.U.L. pants and 
will be shopping for some this month since from what I've read are more 
durable for longer.


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