[Diabetes-Talk] Insulin; The Cost of Living: The skyrocketing price of a lifesaving medication

Walter Mitchell walterl.mitch2 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 12 13:35:55 UTC 2018

Good Morning my fellow diabetics, family, friends and supporters;


I came across this story from our local news broadcast. Please disseminate
this link far and wide, in my opinion we all must unite on a large scale to
combat this issue. . I am not surprised, but this type of action from the
drug manufacturers provide the catalyst for organizations such as ours. 


America presently is the most powerful country in the world and there is no
reason for our citizens to die due to the cost of a life saving drug as
insulin/Humalog. I apologize for communicating this on Veteran's Day, I bid
all Veterans happy Veteran's Day and thank you for your contribution to
reserve the American way of life, but is this what diabetics call living? In
my opinion, no, when people are dying!


I don't want to preach to the choir, so please review the link below and
let's get even more adamant about the aspects of diabetes, the wellness of
those that have it and the reason that our organization exist.





Much Love,

Walter Mitchell

(513) 582-8606

Walterl.mitch2 at gmail.com


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