[Diabetes-Talk] Working With My Medtronic Paradigm Rebel Pump, Myself?

everett at everettgavel.com everett at everettgavel.com
Tue Oct 16 17:25:01 UTC 2018

Please forgive me if this topic is old news. I have not been able to keep up
with the digests for a while now, even though I count this group as probably
in my top 3 groups. This group and you all, are great. Seriously. And that's
why I'm now asking for input, help, advice, instructions whatever I can get
from y'all -- to help me hopefully learn how to change out and refill, etc.,
my own Paradigm Rebel pump? 

Feel free to contact me offlist, or share it here. Either way is fine and
dandy. I just need help quickly and am hoping for a miracle, honestly. And
I've found over the years here, that if God won't provide it directly, Him
working through y'all is the most likely and next best thing.  (smile) 

Thanks, All,
In Colorado Springs, USA
everett at everettgavel.com

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