[Diabetes-Talk] G6 issue

jamielgurganus at gmail.com jamielgurganus at gmail.com
Tue Dec 3 16:45:59 UTC 2019

Hi all!  As you may know, whenever there is an IOS update, Dexcom gives us
that wonderful warning message for what seems like ages.  Since the latest
update, I am getting a different warning that states:  Dexcom Share/follow
services are not fully functional.


After clicking on "Continue to app", I can get my blood sugar value, but I
can't dismiss any alerts.  When this occurred in the past, I would just
close out the app, open it back up and the problem would be resolved.  Not
this time.   So, you all know what happens when you don't OK the urgent low
alarm.  I was not a happy camper at 3 AM when I could not silence that
blasting alarm.


I could not find anything on Dexcom's web site about this, and I haven't
called tech support yet.  I always fear that I will be turned in to the
Medicare police for using my phone as my receiver.  Anyway, I was just
wondering if anyone else is experiencing this.  




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