[Diabetes-Talk] pump or not to pump

hmladek at neo.rr.com hmladek at neo.rr.com
Tue Jun 25 00:36:18 UTC 2019

Hi all,

Rick here and new to this group. I had forgotten I had joined this group due
to it being so quiet.

So, with that in mind, I am writing to all blind diabetics here. Do you use
an insulin pump? If so, other than your basil delivery and a quick bolus
option, are you able to operate any of the settings or controls without
sighted assistance? What are your pros and cons with your pump, please I'm
not asking for any bashing of the great Companies out there. Now, if you had
options other than speech technology being part of, what other features
within the software and/or hardware would be wanted? Please don't ask for
built in MP3 players or GPS locaters lol.
Now, for those who do not use a pump, why not? I've read that it allows the
best control of your A1C levels. What reasons prevents you from going to a
pump over using whatever option for insulin delivery that you presently use?

I ask you all to overwhelm me with chatter regarding these points. Thank you
to Veronica and Joyce for your points.

Be well my Friends,


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