[Diabetes-Talk] a few questions

Bridgit Kuenning-Pollpeter bkpollpeter at gmail.com
Fri Mar 1 14:53:49 UTC 2019


You're type 2, correct? This is why Medicare will only cover so many test strips. It's following the antiquated idea (sadly set forth by too many doctors still) that type 2s only need to test once or twice a day. It's wrong and disgusting.

BTW, don't knock insulin, grin. Study after study shows that the sooner type 2s go on insulin, the better glucose control they have. Insulin isn't a bad thing. I hear this a lot from type 2s, and I don't know where the idea comes from. It actually helps and is not a bad thing.

That being said, sadly, unless you go on insulin or develop type 1 (which can happen to type 2s) many insurance carriers probably won't allow for more than testing a couple of times a day.

Curious, has your doctor fought this decision much? Medicare has put its foot down a lot on things for me, but my endo fought it, submitting letters for various things, and Medicare caved. It doesn't always work, but it is possible for a doctor to appeal finddings with Medicare and fought for a patient. That's been my experience.


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