[Diabetes-Talk] complaints with Dexcom

Doula Jarboe doula.jarboe at gmail.com
Fri Mar 15 22:17:22 UTC 2019

Hi All,
 So for a little while today, I was a rather disgruntled customer. I'm
trying to get my transmitter before this one runs out. For some
strange unbeknownst reason, they had two different types of Medicare
for billing for me. Humana, which is who I use, and an account with
just plain Medicare that was inactive. Why would you keep an inactive
account on someone's file? Anyways, when I called yesterday, it was
confirmed that yes, Humana is who I use, okay will get rid of this
inactive Medicare account. My transmitter should be shipped today.
Still no tracking info, so I called and talked with someone about my
order. This guy had one very thick accent and was incredibly difficult
to understand. He also apparently gave more incorrect information.
That my order had to go back through quality control before it could
be shipped. So I Googled filing complaints with Dexcom. First thing
that popped up was call customer service and talk with a supervisor
for grievances. So I called back listened to the entire menu, and it
says press 0 to speak with an operator. I got a very nice lady, she
looked into my issue, and was able to see that my transmitter had been
released to the warehouse, but tracking information wasn't available
yet. I should have something by this evening though, and my
transmitter will get here by Wednesday when mine is due to quit. She
also asked me if I was completely out of supplies which makes me think
she had a bit more access to things than people in the ordering
center. For all I know they are two totally different places. Anyways,
just wanted to pass this on, because apparently there is a way to file
grievances and complaints. hope this helps.

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