[Diabetes-Talk] CGM and pump accessibility

Verlyn Baldwin letsdanceintx at gmail.com
Sun Nov 10 18:04:21 UTC 2019

Hello Everyone,

Thanks to all for your comments.
The comments assist me in having a better understanding of what has been
done to further the development of accessible equipment for the blind

I was attempting to keep my previous message short and to the point as in so
doing perhaps did not give enough detail as to my current and future

I have had Type I for 55 years and been using a pump for 20 years. I have
been living for the last 7 years in a senior independent continuum care
community. I feel very blessed in the ability to do so. We have exercise
equipment and classes; transportation; a nurse 5 days a week and an optional
dining room to use.
I do cook and live independently. I use the Dexcom G5 with a Prodigy
glucometer. Just this past week I was trained on the Medtronic pump which
many of you are using. Switching over from the Animas has been a sad
occurrence but I will succeed!

I have family history of both Dementia and Depression. Therefore my concerns
are for the potential of no longer being able to cognitively manage my
diabetes. I don't wring my hands over this but feel it best to seek out
potentials while I still can.

My endocrinologist is wonderful yet she was not aware of the Medtronic
trade. I failed to thoroughly read the letter that was sent out by Animas.
When my doctor told me, "I don't know what to do.", I was quite devastated.
She said I can not use the pens as I am on so little insulin. Anyway, I
wasn't going to give up and found this NFB group.

What a blessing you all have been. 

I will continue to hold fast to the belief that through God's help and our
diligence we can overcome.

Blessings and Peace,


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