[Diabetes-Talk] Starting to feel a sense of panic when it comes to my diabetes

Doula Jarboe doula.jarboe at gmail.com
Sun Oct 6 01:47:36 UTC 2019

 I'd suggest you learn about food and the glycemic scale. The more you
know about what's in your food, the more you know how it might impact
your body. For instance, pineapple is higher on the glycemic scale,
it's one I stay away from. You can find TV or frozen meals that are
healthy. We do lean cuisines, I think Wait Watchers is another brand
that you can look for. Exercise is tough to do when you hurt a lot,
I'm right there with you. But the more you move, the easier your pain
will get. Some mornings I really have to push myself to get up and
move around to make my lain better. Keep in mind that pain can also
impact your GG, so less pain may help with lowering that too. If you
can find a good water aerobics class, that might be a good place to
start. I've been attending a health and wellness center for about a
year and a half. I see a Dietician every 6 weeks, and we discuss diet
and exercise and pain issues I'm dealing with. I got referred by them
to doing physical therapy to work on core building, and that's made
quite a difference for me. If you are going to order from Pizza Hut, I
know they used to have salad, so that might be something to think
about. We don't eat out a ton, but when we do, we do Subway
sandwiches, because you can still do something fairly healthy and good
for you. Some days, standing for a long period of time is difficult
for me too. And I'm the cook at my house, my husband doesn't handle
kitches well. If I have a bunch of chopping to do, I do as much of it
as I can sitting at the kitchen table. Also, I love my crockpot.
Because you can do meals where you dump in all the ingredients, and
then let it cook. Hope some of these thoughts and ideas are helpful. I
know how it is to go see your endo and want to cry. In my younger
years, I would go to a visit with my endo, get bad numbers and hear
him say I needed to watch what I ate and exercise. And I would come
home and cry, and be depressed and not want to eat at all. As Sandi
said, it has to be up to you to truly make the choice and the effort
and have the will power to make the changes necessary to control your
diabetes. Keep at it, and keep asking for support from here, and
hopefully you'll get there.

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