[Diabetes-Talk] Education, empowerment and inspiration for diabetics

Walter Mitchell walterl.mitch2 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 3 13:34:52 UTC 2020

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

Now is the time for diabetics to come to the aide of The OH. DAN Division

Get on line and learn of the new and innovative concepts that could assist
your Diabetic condition.

We are excited about our re-constructed concepts and hopefully this will
please you.

The D.A.N. would love your cooperation and hope to hear from you by joining
us on Saturday, March 14,2020 at 10:00 am Eastern

(605) 475-4882


Access code:  889 687

Guest Speaker: Nurse Practishenor& National Diabetic Educator- Sandra K.
Mernen-Kettering Medical Centers Diabetic Division

.         Richard Payne-President-OH Affiliate

.         Susan Day-OH D.A.N. President

.         Walter Mitchell-OH.D.A.N. Vice-P

We hope to hear your voice on the call!


Thank you,

Walter Mitchell

(513) 582-8606

Walterl.mitch2 at gmail.com


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