[Diabetes-Talk] Accurate, accessible glucose meters?

gary-melconian gmelconian619 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 6 20:14:39 UTC 2020

I have been using eh clever choice voice hd .its fully accessible. That is what i use in conjunction with my abbot libre cgm system. As i  have had numerous billing issues  in past with dexcom and I refuse to  deal with them again.  I much rather  have an alternative  to dexcom then have to  go through that billing mess .  At least abbot libre system I can get  through my major pharmacy chain and that way I can let the major pharmacy chain deal with the  biling matters unlike in the past,  where  as sometimes I would be double billed for dexcom senssors and transmitters even though they had already billed my insurance provider the first time an would turn around and bill me the second time. What a mes  and having to deal with that  .

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