[Diabetes-Talk] Wave of the Future: New Glucose Technology Could Revolutionize Care | diaTribe

gmelconian619 at gmail.com gmelconian619 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 16 02:03:39 UTC 2021

I envy those who can get the Dexcom cgm but not  all are that privileged to
do so and some have really stupid insurance policies  in place, where   they
required authorization for simple insulin or even better will change insulin
when they se that the bean counters  saying that  x or y is only a bit pricy
then the other one .  So unfortunately for cgm,  I have to  pay out of
pocket.  I am hoping for that day wher these things  are really affordable
that  someone  who does not have insurance or has to pay out of pocket can
really afford them compared to other  costs  and expenses  to live in a
state where  everything is being cut for x or y reason.  

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