[Diabetes-Talk] Selling an unopened prodigy, glucose monitoring system, along with extra box of test strips, and extra boxes of lancets.

Dacia Luck dacia.luck at gmail.com
Fri Feb 24 22:10:38 UTC 2023

Good afternoon,
I have an unopened prodigy glucose monitoring system that contains the prodigy  voice glucose meter, some test strips, a lancing device, some lancets, the calibration solution, and instructions on how to use it. I also have six extra boxes of test strips that are unopened and I believe there are 50 in each box and two boxes of unopened land set with 100 and each box. I purchased it when I was pregnant with my son when I got diagnosed with gestational diabetes, but then was able to get a CGM for the time I needed it, so I never opened them. Feel free to contact me off the list if you would prefer.

Sent from my iPhone

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