[Diabetes-Talk] IOS 16 and the Dexcom G6 reading...

Paul Magill magills at bigpond.com
Sun Jan 22 07:35:40 UTC 2023

Hi all, 

I have just replaced my old 6S with a new iPhone SE2022, which had IOS 16,
and one of the changes I noticed is the way VoiceOver reads my glucose level
on the main screen. 

Instead of just reading the value, it appends either the word, sign, or,
optical instrument. 

It is only a minor nuisance, but if anyone has found a way to stop it, could
you please advise me.

Under VoiceOver settings, I found, VoiceOver recognition,  and turned them
all off, but the problem remains?

With appreciation,
Paul in Australia.

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