[Diabetes-Talk] Software question

jamielgurganus at gmail.com jamielgurganus at gmail.com
Fri May 26 18:56:12 UTC 2023

Hello all!  This is a nondiabetic related issue, but I figured everyone here
would be the best group of people to ask this question.


I am President of my congregation, and we are looking for a new church
management software program.  We have narrowed our choices down to a select
few and are beginning to test them.  Because I do so much at my church, I
want it to be as accessible as possible for me using JAWS.  Does anyone's
church use a program that they use and find to be screen reader friendly?
I've just tested Realm and do not consider it to be user friendly for me!
We are going to look at Churchtrac next, which I am hoping works a lot
better.  Thanks!



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