[Diabetes-Talk] Tandem T-slim icons

mdavisforalternatives at gmail.com mdavisforalternatives at gmail.com
Fri Mar 1 21:16:59 UTC 2024

I have been asked, how do I change the cartridge with my Tandem T-slimX2when travelling alone . 

One of  the things we do is to prefill a cartridge and infusion set prior to me going out of town which is done with my favorite “reader,” he’s great😊 

I have been noting in my iPhone files, directions of steps for various pump functions so when it comes to me needing a “new reader,” I’m the one directing what to do and not the reader. 

One of the needed tasks is knowing the steps when changing the cartridge- 

(Note- *On my pump, when changing it, the Blue icons are the ones  tapped in order to confirm the choice which advances me to the next step


Noting specific steps in my phone files/notes, allows me to retrieve them and then direct what needs to be tapped on the pump screen. 


Another thing You might want to keep in mind when traveling, is to bring “back-up” supplies if anything is to happen with the pump, like, syringes, pens, etc., not to mention all the necessary pump supplies which I try to have already packed the day before, Like, the charger, cartridges, cartridge syringe, insulin and extra infusion sets. 


I make sure the pump is fully charged and still pack the charger. 


The pump is not fully useable for blind people so I’ve resigned myself in knowing that I am going to need a reader at times. 


I would really try to practice any work around you need to prior to traveling and be willing and able to use back up supplies, like syringes, pens etc., if need be. 

 Bottom line, if you run into an emergency situation and are too uncomfortable asking someone new, maybe you might just need to ask yourself, “How important is the trip at this time?” 

Other Tandem X2 pump users use this list serve  and perhaps they have added suggestions that might work better fore you, so don’t be afraid to ask, it’s one thing this list serve is great for😊 


Wishing you all the best, 






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