[DSM-Iowa] Chapter meeting agenda.

Enrique Mejia emejia083 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 13 02:31:59 UTC 2021

November 13 Des Moines Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind of Iowa Agenda. 
Below this email I will try to include important dates to remember. This can include people's birthdays if they wish to share with the rest of the chapter. If you would like to share your birthday, please send it to me at emejia at nfbi.org.

Reminder dues for 2022 can be paid to Dave Hammel or they can be paid at the Christmas party.  

Meeting info:
Topic: November Des Moines Chapter meeting
Time: November 13, 2021 02:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 794 109 9792
Passcode: 6324692
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Meeting ID: 794 109 9792
Call to order.
Ice breaker.: What is hyour favorite hollyday food. 
Joys and Sorrow
Secretary’s report
Treasurers report
Affiliate President report
Christmas Party 
Helen Stevens 
Learn about the Education and training team. 
Christmas party plan and guests attending. 
Presidential release. 
Adjourn meeting. 

On Zoom
September 11, 2021
2:07 p.m.
The meeting was called to order by President Enrique Mejia and the pledges were recited.
Ice Breaker
For the September roll call, members were asked to state their name and favorite summer activity. Also, joys and sorrows were shared.
Cindy Ray made a motion that we dispense with the August minutes; Tom Topping seconded. Minutes had been posted in the Agenda, but they were board meeting minutes. The motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
Cindy Ray made a motion, Bob Ray seconded, that we move the treasurer’s report to the next meeting. The motion carried.
State of the State Report—President Scott Van Gorp
Scott reported on the upcoming convention. Besides giving registration information, he reported that new national Board member, Tracy Soforenco, will be our national representative.
We are hoping to start a guide dog group or committee this year. Anyone interested should contact Cindy Ray at 515-334-7231 or
cindyray at gmail.com
Meet the Blind Month has been rebranded, and as of this year it will be called Blind Equality Achievement Month (Beam.)
Bob Ray reminded us that we should still get our voting stories in to Valerie Yingling at the national office.
The meeting that Department Director Emily Wharton holds with the presidents of the NFBI and ICUB, Scott Van Gorp and Carrie Chapman, are held the second Tuesday of each month.
Construction of the ramp at the IDB Building is scheduled to begin the week of October 4. We might be able to get into the building to hold the Christmas party, but that is in doubt. We will probably need to plan to have it elsewhere since this is not certain. We are checking to see if It would be possible to have the Christmas Party at Bennigans. The Christmas Party will be December 11 at noon.
Karly Prinds was introduced to the chapter as the new Center Director. She talked about plans for the future, and new students are slated to come in regularly through the rest of the year and into 2022. Karly invited people to call her if they had suggestions.
Cindy Talked about the guide dog issue that is developing with Yellow Cab and Paratransit. Since Paratransit  contracts with the cab company, if people are refused rides that are booked by Paratransit, Paratransit would have some liability in the situation.
We are hosting the Senior Integration dinner on Monday, September 13.
There is an abridged version of the presidential release on the web that we can use at chapter meetings; it will be played at the end of our meeting.
Bob Ray made a motion that we not have a chapter meeting in October because of the proximity to the convention weekend. Cindy Ray seconded the motion. After some discussion the motion carried.
John Gonzalez, Sharonda Goode, and Thomas Topping had birthdays in September giving them free raffle tickets.
Dues are payable for 2022 beginning October 1. Anyone who pays after September 30 will not have to pay again for 2022. This mainly applies to new members, and all are encouraged to get their dues in early as possible.
Jim Rechkemmer won $25 in the fifty/fifty drawing.
Presidential release 508 was played.
Cindy Ray announced that Doris Willoughby had passed away on September 8.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:23 p.m.
Cindy Lou Ray
Acting Secretary
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