[Dtb-talk] DTB Here and There

Tim Gillett tim.gillett at optusnet.com.au
Fri Jan 22 14:06:43 UTC 2010

Hi Joseph, 

A late answer to your technical question about the Graf Digitisers. 
Since I located the Digitisers on the www and suggested them to ABWA 
 I can pass on to you some of their technical details.

For 2 track tapes they use a stereo  soundcard capable of 192khz sample rate, 
and two such soundcards for 4 tracks. 
The tapes run at about 16.3 ips 
which translates to a sample rate of 22.05khz for 2 track and 11.025khz for LOC 4 track. 
So frequency response is  reasonable for speech material 
and considering the limitations of the cassette tapes themselves.

The stereo version has a 4 track head installed and so can copy all 4 tracks in one pass.
The mono version can copy both 'sides' of a 2 track tape also in one pass.

All in all a good way to convert a lot of tapes in a hurry, but of course 
it falls short of the ideal for format conversion where the aim is 
not to compromise the original audio fidelity.

Best wishes

Tim Gillett
Audio/Electronics Technician
Perth, Western Australia

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