[Dtb-talk] DAISY bible with navigation to the verse

Greg Kearney gkearney at gmail.com
Wed Apr 3 05:38:44 UTC 2013

The Geoff Gallop Braille and talking book library of the Association for the Blind of Western Australia working with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is pleased to offer the first human narrated Bible with DAISY navigation to the verse level.

This King James Version of the Bible features an enhanced navigation which is:

Level 1 moves to the books of the Old Testament; from Genesis to Malachi.
Level 2 moves every 10 chapters within a book; Chapter 1, Chapter 10, Chapter 20, etc.
Level 3 moves one chapter at a time; Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, etc.
Level 4 moves every 10 verses within a chapter; verses 1, 10, 20, 30, etc.
At the phrase level you move to each invividual verse.

This feature provide a means for the reader to navigate to the particular verse quickly. As a full audio DAISY digital talking book this bible also features all of the other navigation and usability features of DAISY products such as book marking.

The Association for the Blind of Western Australia would like to thank the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and Norm Gardner a service missionary for that faith for providing us with this important offering.

The Bible can be obtained from our library.

Old Testament 

New Testament 

Gregory Kearney | Manager Accessible Media
Association for the Blind of WA - Guide Dogs WA
PO Box 101, Victoria Park WA 6979 | 61 Kitchener Ave, Victoria Park WA 6100
Tel: 08 9311 8246 | Fax: 08 9361 8696 | www.guidedogswa.com.au
Tel: 307-224-4022 (North America)
Email: greg.kearney at guidedogswa.com.au
Email: gkearney at gmail.com

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