[Dtb-talk] DAISY Pipeline 2 version 1.7 released

Andrews, David B (DEED) david.b.andrews at state.mn.us
Mon Dec 16 15:00:47 UTC 2013

Dear all,

Version 1.7 of the DAISY Pipeline 2 project is now available for download. The following alternative packages are proposed:

- for Windows users, an installer for the "Desktop Web UI" distribution (.exe installer, 80 MB)
- the "Desktop Web UI" Distribution packaged as a ZIP, recommended on OS X and Linux (ZIP, 80 MB)
- the "CLI" distribution: includes  the command line tool and all the conversion scripts (ZIP, 40 MB)
- the "Server Web UI" Distribution: includes a verson of the Pipeline 2 Web User Interface for installation on a server. It does not include the Pipeline 2 engine and conversion scripts.
    https://github.com/daisy-consortium/pipeline-webui/releases/download/v1.7/pipeline2-1.7-webui-server.zip (ZIP, 40 MB)

This release does not introduce new scripts but brings many bug fixes and improvements to previous scripts.  It also introduces a couple changes to the Web API. For details, please refer to the release notes:

Note that following our project's migration to GitHub and Google Code's discontinuation of release hosting, the release is now hosted on GitHub's servers. Let us now if you encounter any issue with the new release page.

To launch the Web UI application locally open the `start` launcher in the `webui` directory of the Pipeline installation directory, or use the Start menu shortcut on Windows if you used the installer. See detailed instructions at:

As usual, feedback is warmly welcome!

Best regards,

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