[Dtb-talk] FW: Upcoming IAAP Webinars: Rich Internet Apps, Web Graphics & More

Andrews, David B (DEED) david.b.andrews at state.mn.us
Tue Aug 5 18:09:26 UTC 2014

From: IAAP [mailto:info=accessibilityassociation.org at mail7.atl31.mcdlv.net] On Behalf Of IAAP
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2014 1:00 PM
To: Andrews, David B (DEED)
Subject: Upcoming IAAP Webinars: Rich Internet Apps, Web Graphics & More

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What's Inside:
Join IAAP for Our Next Webinar on August 14
View Upcoming 2014 Webinars!

Rich Internet Apps – How to Make Them Accessible
Thursday, August 14

Our next webinar will be held on Thursday, August 14, at 11:00 a.m. Eastern Time (UTC - 4 hours), and there's still time to secure your spot! Join us on August 14 to learn about the ARIA roles and attributes and which ones work well across multiple platforms, as well as the tricks necessary to get them to work consistently. Gain tips for understanding at a high level what is possible with ARIA and to understand enough details to start "digging in and getting your hands dirty." An example will be provided of a gesture-and-keyboard compatible widget implemented using ARIA with annotated source code.

Register for the August webinar now<http://accessibilityassociation.us7.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=c9e95602d3d7209e71c920bfa&id=cd9f44681b&e=3746f2cd24>.

Title: Rich Internet Apps - How to Make Them Accessible
Date: Thursday, August 14, 2014
Speaker: Dylan Barrell, VP of Product Development, Deque Systems
Target Audience: Developers and Product Owners

Time: 11:00 a.m. Eastern Time (UTC - 4 hours)
Length: 1.5 hours
Fee: $59 for members; $119 for nonmembers

Webinar Format: The webinar will be hosted in the Adobe Connect webinar platform, which is accessible with a variety of browsers and on mobile devices. Captioning will be provided. For additional details about Adobe Connect accessibility, go to this Adobe Connect Accessibility Features page<http://accessibilityassociation.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c9e95602d3d7209e71c920bfa&id=1da6e2fea8&e=3746f2cd24>.

Read more information about the Rich Internet Apps – How to Make them Accessible webinar<http://accessibilityassociation.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c9e95602d3d7209e71c920bfa&id=7af82799fb&e=3746f2cd24>.

Register for the August webinar<http://accessibilityassociation.us7.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=c9e95602d3d7209e71c920bfa&id=c43b735ea8&e=3746f2cd24>.

Join IAAP today<http://accessibilityassociation.us7.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=c9e95602d3d7209e71c920bfa&id=b34b745a15&e=3746f2cd24> to get the member webinar rate. Individual membership fees are waived for membership between now and 3/15/2015.

If you are a member of a founding member organization, be sure to register for upcoming webinars using the webinar registration instructions you previously received. If you have questions, please contact webinars at accessibilityassociation.org<mailto:webinars at accessibilityassociation.org>.

Our webinar series is a valuable source of information and a great way to connect with other accessibility professionals. An attendee from our first webinar said, “Thanks for organizing this series of webinars. If the rest are as good as the first one was, they will be tremendously useful to the IAAP members.”

View Upcoming 2014 Webinars!

Using Assistive Technology (AT) in Accessibility Testing

Date: Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Time: 12:00 p.m. Eastern (UTC – 4 hours)
Length: 1.5 hours
Speaker: Kathy Wahlbin, CEO and Founder, Interactive Accessibility
Target Audience: Beginners

Did you know that blind people can surf the Internet and deaf people can enjoy videos? Have you wondered how people with disabilities use mobile devices? Assistive technology is fascinating and empowering to people with disabilities, yet it presents compliance challenges for producers of online content. The technology provides endless opportunities to gain access to services and content, but often organizations misunderstand or don’t know the accessibility guidelines or how to test for accessibility. Come and learn how you can use AT in accessibility testing.

Read more information about the Using Assistive Technology (AT) in Accessibility Testing webinar<http://accessibilityassociation.us7.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=c9e95602d3d7209e71c920bfa&id=bed7783b37&e=3746f2cd24>.

Web Components and Accessibility

Date: Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Time: 11:00 a.m. Eastern (UTC – 4 hours)
Length: 1.5 hours
Speaker: Karl Groves, Senior Technical Lead, Accessibility Software Consultant, Director of Training, The Paciello Group
Target Audience: Developers. This session requires experience with HTML and CSS and at least basic understanding of and experience with JavaScript.

Web components are a new technology that offer a new way to encapsulate new functionality into webpages directly, allowing for custom elements with their full presentation logic and business logic to be built in as though they were native. This exciting technology also allows for new customized versions of existing native functionality and, in fact, improvements to the native functionality without needing to require that functionality to be built from scratch. This offers new opportunities and challenges for accessibility, which will be discussed in this session.

Read more information about the Web Components and Accessibility webinar<http://accessibilityassociation.us7.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=c9e95602d3d7209e71c920bfa&id=93bb98f343&e=3746f2cd24>.

Accessible Web Graphics with SVG and Canvas

Date: Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Time: 11:00 a.m. Eastern (UTC – 5 hours)
Length: 1.5 hours
Speaker: Doug Schepers, Developer Relations Lead, W3C
Target Audience: Web developers and designers who are creating new graphical content for websites, including data visualization, and accessibility professionals who are tasked to make existing Web graphics accessible.

Data visualization can be an efficient way of conveying information and can aid accessibility, but if done incorrectly, it can hinder accessibility. With Web technology like SVG, Canvas, ARIA and the Web Audio API, you can make accessible information graphics. This webinar will cover well-known challenges and pitfalls for accessible information graphics, as well as describe techniques to overcome them, focusing on Web solutions using SVG, HTML, ARIA and the Web Audio API. We will also describe some of the new accessibility features in the upcoming SVG2 specification. In addition to discussing techniques, the speaker will demonstrate how to use a free open source tool to make SVG graphics accessible.

Read more information about the Accessible Web Graphics with SVG and Canvas webinar<http://accessibilityassociation.us7.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=c9e95602d3d7209e71c920bfa&id=11b1861ca1&e=3746f2cd24>.

HTML5 & ARIA for Meeting WCAG 2.0 Success Criteria

Date: Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Time: 11:00 a.m. Eastern (UTC – 5 hours)
Length: 1.5 hours
Speaker: Jon Gunderson, Ph.D (Human Factors), Coordinator of IT Accessibility, University of Illinois
Target Audience: Web Developers, User Interface Designers and Accessibility Testers

This webinar will show how to use the Accessible Rich Internet Accessibility (ARIA 1.0) technologies and HTML5 to improve page navigation, links and form controls to meet WCAG 2.0 Level A and AA requirements. The webinar will provide coding practices for using headings (H1-H6), ARIA Landmarks and HTML5 Section elements to provide redundant and meaningful navigation, including an open source script for creating a page navigation feature for keyboard-only users. The webinar will show how to use ARIA techniques to provide link context to meet WCAG 2.0 link requirements. New HTML5 form control features and ARIA technologies also make it much easier to provide information on required and invalid form controls and reference error information. The webinar will demonstrate the improved accessibility using assistive technologies. The session will also demonstrate open source tools to help evaluate webpages for the use of the techniques demonstrated in the webinar.

Read more information about the HTML5 & ARIA for Meeting WCAG 2.0 Success Criteria webinar<http://accessibilityassociation.us7.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=c9e95602d3d7209e71c920bfa&id=ad0022e311&e=3746f2cd24>.

Copyright © 2014 International Association of Accessibility Professionals, All rights reserved.

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Every effort has been made to ensure accessibility of this content; however, some issues may still exist. Please contact accessibility at accessibilityassociation.org <mailto:accessibility at accessibilityassociation.org> if you require an alternative format.

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