[Electronics-talk] KnfbReader Mobile pricing and seminar announcements

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Sat Aug 8 02:26:10 UTC 2009

He is not on this list you will have to reply to him at the address 
at the bottom of his message.


At 07:02 PM 8/7/2009, you wrote:
>Michael, I'm catching up with emails.  I'd be interested in training 
>seminars.  Even though I do not have a reader yet, I have used the 
>Classic Reader to some extent and have heard about the reader on 
>various web shows and also watched Carl and Mindy use their phones 
>and readers, attended the demonstration at the convention, so, I'd 
>like to attend an actual training seminar.
>I think training seminars, chat groups, email lists, are a good thing.
>margo and Arrow
>----- Original Message ----- From: "Michael Hingson (by way of David 
>Andrews <dandrews at visi.com>)" <info at michaelhingson.com>
>To: <david.andrews at nfbnet.org>
>Sent: Sunday, August 02, 2009 6:54 PM
>Subject: [Electronics-talk] KnfbReader Mobile pricing and seminar 
>>Just before the NFB national convention I announced that the price for the
>>KnfbReader when purchased from the NFB and The Michael Hingson Group was
>>decreasing.  Since there have been some questions about pricing after the
>>convention I want to clarify that this price decrease is permanent so long
>>as we continue to receive our present costs from our suppliers.  The pricing
>>is as follows:
>>The Basic KnfbReader Mobile including software and the Nokia N82 phone,
>>Talks screen reader optional add-on when purchased at the same time as the
>>Reader, $225.00.
>>Talks screen reader when purchased at another time, $295.00.
>>MobileSpeak screen reader purchased at any time, $295.00.
>>WayFinder Access GPS option for the KnfbReader system, $395.00.
>>NEW!  Extended battery for the Nokia N82, $35.00.
>>New!  Bluetooth headset with ear buds, model BH-201, $50.00.
>>New!  Nokia Bluetooth headset with ear covers, $75.00.
>>New!  Nokia Bluetooth keyboard model SU-8w, $125.00.
>>All prices are plus shipping and tax in California.  If you have questions
>>about the Reader or would like to order one please email me at
>>info at michaelhingson.com and I will get back to you or have one of our NFB
>>KnfbReader dealers contact you.  Also, don't forget that the National
>>Federation of the Blind has a %3 low interest loan program for those who
>>need help in purchasing the Reader.
>>I also want to ask if anyone would be interested in attending either an
>>upcoming online audio seminar or a conference call teleseminar to demo the
>>KnfbReader Mobile?  If so, please email me off list at
>>info at michaelhingson.com and tell me some times convenient for you to attend
>>either demo and which one you would be interested in attending.
>>Finally, over the summer many readers were sold at the various national
>>organizational conventions.  We are contemplating holding online or
>>conference call training sessions to help people get started using their
>>Readers.  Please email me at info at michaelhingson.com if you would like to
>>attend either kind of seminar.  Please include times convenient for you to
>>attend and which kind of seminar would be best for you.  All seminars are
>>free to everyone.  I will announce the status of the seminars as soon as I
>>get a sense from you about when and how to hold them.
>>Please send this on to others whom you think might be interested in knowing
>>more about the KnfbReader Mobile.  Happy reading to all.  Thanks for your
>>attention and time.
>>Michael Hingson
>>The Michael Hingson Group
>>      "Speaking with Vision"
>>                  Michael Hingson, President
>>                          (415) 827-4084
>>                    info at michaelhingson.com
>>                    www.michaelhingson.com
>>for info on the new KNFB Reader Mobile, visit:

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