[Electronics-talk] Purpose of List

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Tue Feb 10 00:15:56 UTC 2009

I want to gently remind everybody of the purpose of this list.  It is 
to discuss access matters concerned with home electronics and 
appliances.  We have had a bunch of discussion on whether or not the 
transition to digital TV, and the turning off of analog, should be 
delayed or not.  I have let this go on because people need to talk 
about it, but it is time to put it to bed.  A decision has been made, 
and things are moving forward.  The discussion is starting to get 
more confrontational and political.  No one is going to change the 
mind of anyone else at this point.  So let it go or I will have to 
start taking more drastic action.

Further, a reminder that this is not a list for the discussion of 
assistive technology for computers.  There are plenty of other places 
where you can do that.


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