[Electronics-talk] Very Off topic, I KnowFW: Very off topic

Debbi Williamson debbi107 at atlanticbb.net
Fri Jun 26 02:08:13 UTC 2009

I know this is very off topic; but, I went to the Humanware site and
couldn't find the answer to my question.

Is there a list or something where I can go to get help with my victor
Stream?  It seems that the Stream is not being recognized by my computer
anymore.  I get a message that says that there is a usb device connected
that is not recognized.  I don't get that little two-note tone when I
connect even though the stream says it is connected.  I need to download
books to take with me for a week.  Believe me, I will need books!  If anyone
has had this problem or knows of a list where I mist get some support,
please tell me.  Thanks!

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