[Electronics-talk] how to check the SIM #, mobile instrument #?

Saravanan Ramadoss saravanan.ramadoss1 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 28 17:33:58 UTC 2009

Hello friends,
Could anyone  clear  my doubts? ?  
how to check the  SIM #,  mobile instrument #? 
What is the  expantion of GSM, CDMA   &  many more  tips related to mobile.
 I am eagerly waiting for your replies; 
please respond immediately.
Please feel free to pass  your comments, feedbacks & new ideas to  the below menntioned contact details.  
Mobile: 09840228250.
saravanan.ramadoss1 at gmail.com  
saravanan_2008 at hotmail.com
The harder the conflicts, the more  glorious the triumph - Thomas Paine.
True friendship consists not inn multitude of friends, but in their worth and value - Ben Jonson.

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