[Electronics-talk] Blind Friendly Parental control Apps

Philip Blackmer pblackmer27 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 28 05:27:52 UTC 2012

I'm sure this search will raise a few eyebrows and result in a major
goose-egg, but I am looking for a blind friendly parental control app for
either the Iphone or Android phone.  It can be a few apps working together ,
but I want to have a filter on the web browser that blocks things like porn,
and something that prevents apps from being installed.  I believe that the
Iphone has some parental controls including the ability to lock the itunes
market, and lock the browser.  My concern is that it might be too easy to
get around these settings, and that they might not be sufficient.  As for
the Android system I really don't know if there is anything blind friendly
at all.  Any help in this search would be appreciated.  Oh, and if you want
to take this off-list you can email me at: pblackmer27 at gmail.com.  Thanks -


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