[Electronics-talk] electronic calendar

Ashley Bramlett bookwormahb at earthlink.net
Thu Nov 22 20:55:06 UTC 2012

-----Original Message----- 
From: Jolynn Turpin
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2012 4:49 PM
To: electronics-talk at nfbnet.org
Subject: [Electronics-talk] electronic calendar

  I am trying to find an accessible calendar that I can take to
meetings and appointments and schedule events independently.  I am
trying to find an electronic calendar or P D A that is useable by a
totally blind person.  I just need a calendar that I can schedule
meetings and appointments and something that I can go back and look at
past appointments.  If you can suggest anything I would appreciate it.

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Do you read braille?
I think the only low cost item is the old fashioned slate and stylus.
This is a great question as I want something basic to take to meetings to 
schedule appointments and write short memos as well.
I do read contracted braille and have a Braille note now, but I suspect it 
die soon as its getting old and I wanted something small and portable.

As you have seen from responses, many use smart phones which talk. The I 
Phone is one option, but other smart phones talk too. Any tablet pc 
accessible? this might be an option.
You could also buy a small netbook and use the simple word processor for 
Also, digital recorders could record such a thing.
Another option is to use your cell phone and call your home, assuming you 
have a land phone, and leave yourself a message.
Its an awesome way to leave yourself reminders. My dad does this and its 

Will you have a computer at these meetings? If so you could use some 
calendar software. I saw someone mention this on the nabs list and I'll look 
it up if you're interested.
Apparently this calendar software is simplier to use than an email client 
like outlook.

I look forward to other responses as this is something I wondered too. I 
wish there was a simple PDA out there for short memos and calendar functions 
without paying thousands for the bells and whistles found on nice notetakers 
like the pacmate and braille note.
If you do not find a technical solution, you could always use a slate and 
stylus and write it it in your electronic calendar once you get  home.
At home you could use a word processor, email calendar, or other digital 
audio device.

Hope these ar helpful.


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