[Electronics-talk] Accessible Televisions

Shannon Cook SCook at sccb.sc.gov
Sun Apr 26 01:26:17 UTC 2015

Nelson Mandela said, "It always seems impossible, until it is done."  Believing in a dream world has gotten us this far.  We are all able to communicate via this list on computers/devices with assistive technology software.  That would have been nearly impossible on this scale just 40 years ago.  If it was there, it was not widely affordable.  There are GPS devices that are making the thought of blind people being able to navigate independently by automobile now a blip on the horizon.  Just because something isn't out there now, does not mean it won't be shortly.  Keep hope alive.

March is Workplace Eye Wellness Month. According to the Center for Disease Control, each day about 200 U.S. workers sustain a job related eye injury that requires medical treatment. The SC Commission for the Blind encourages everyone to follow all workplace safety rules to avoid work related eye injuries. To see how the South Carolina Commission for the Blind can help you or a loved one, give us a call at 1-888-335-5951 or visit us online at www.sccb.state.sc.us.

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