[Electronics-talk] Considering upgrade to I OS 8.4

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Thu Jul 16 21:14:51 UTC 2015

Good afternoon colleagues,

I have been thinking for dear life to iOS 7.1 .2 ever since the inception of iOS 8. While my initial concerns were over the presence of numerous bugs in the earliest releases of the new iOS, my overarching concern at this point is whether iOS 8.4 will overtax the resources on my iPhone 5 in such a way that will compromise performance of the phone itself as well as third-party apps. These concerns being noted, I am considering upgrading to iOS 8.4 to make available certain apps that I would like to have such as Adobe Acrobat reader. Additionally, I predict before very long that third-party app developers will soon stop supporting backward compatibility.

My question: is it safe to jump into the iOS 8 .4 pool? Thanks in advance for any guidance you can offer.

Best regards,
Rob Taber and Guide Cane Raúl III

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