[Electronics-talk] Items for sale

Tony Sohl tonysohl at samobile.net
Wed Mar 25 17:36:33 UTC 2015

Hi folks, I just recently found out that I'm not able to give this 
equipmkent away due to the state of Arizona's policy and rehab 
servicdes lied and mislead on what i can do with the equipment that was 
tgiven to me. as a result, i am unable to sell this and recently i was 
told then when I pcdked up the equipment i was told that i could sell 
it and now i came to find out that that's not ture and now I cannot 
even sell or even give these items away. BAsically the person who told 
me this was misinformed and was told by the perosn who gave them to me 
that that's not the case.

Again I'm sorry for the misinformation and misleading everyone.

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