[Electronics-talk] Keurig 2.0 accessibility

Jim Shaffer jjs at jjshaffer.net
Mon Nov 9 17:02:01 UTC 2015

We recently purchased a Keurig 2.0 model 200.  We subsequently returned it 
to Walmart, and got an older Keurig model 40 they still had on the shelf.  I 
was unable to use the unit, because you need to select a cup size using the 
touch screen.  This would have been doable, except that if you, by tapping 
the up button, exceed the maximum cup size of 10 oz, the selection wraps 
around to 4 oz.

I'm sure that this has been discussed, but there are many Keurig messages in 
the archives, and I didn't browse them all.  I heard on another list that 
blind folks were using this unit successfully, and I wonder how?

I spoke with a manager at Keurig, and he told me that he'd heard of this 
once before.  Honestly, I didn't get the feeling that Keurig is concerned 
about this, or that they plan to do anything about it.
Jim Shaffer
Pflugerville, TX

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