[Electronics-talk] Storable energy for prolonged periods of poweroutage

Steve Jacobson steve.jacobson at visi.com
Tue Nov 10 19:40:53 UTC 2015


She wrote 9 D batteries which is different than 9-volt batteries.  D batteries are approsimately 1.5 volts each, so 9 of them would add up to 13.5 volts.  The batteries in a car are generally 12 volts, but when the car is running and the batteries are charging, the supply voltage can go up to 13.5 volts or so.  

Best regards,

Steve Jacobson

-----Original Message-----
From: Electronics-talk [mailto:electronics-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Gerald Levy via Electronics-talk
Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2015 1:10 PM
To: Discussion of accessible electronics and appliances <electronics-talk at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Gerald Levy <bwaylimited at verizon.net>
Subject: Re: [Electronics-talk] Storable energy for prolonged periods of poweroutage

Taping a bunch of 9 volt batteries together?  That's a new one on me.  The only reliable way I know of to use electronic devices during a prolonged power outage is with an emergency generator or perhaps a UPS.  Of course, you could buy one of those hand-cranked radios to receive the latest news and emergency alerts during the outage.  Actually, bunching 9 volt batteries together sounds like a bad idea because it could damage the device you are trying to power if the voltage you are supplying it is too high.


-----Original Message-----
From: Diane Vlasoff via Electronics-talk
Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2015 1:24 PM
To: electronics talk n f b list serve
Cc: Diane Vlasoff
Subject: [Electronics-talk] Storable energy for prolonged periods of poweroutage

I was hoping someone on the list might be able to help me with my energy storage issues for the upcoming potential El Niño event.

Has anyone ever heard of using 9D batteries taped together and using a DC car adapter to charge your cell phone? Will that work? Will it fit in my equipment? Does anybody have any other ideas on how I can keep my electronics going if we have a prolonged power outage?

I'll help is welcome in truly appreciate it.

Diane Sent using voice recognition. Please excuse aberrations in spelling or punctuation.
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