[Electronics-Talk] Bluetooth keyboard use.

Anna Givens annajee82 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 8 23:51:55 UTC 2016

I just got a bluetooth keyboard from IClever.  It is working pretty good to write this email right now but I have some questions.  When I use it with my IPhone (which I use with and without Voice Over), how do I do things other than typing?  I can unlock the phone and get to the home screen. And I can search for an app, like I can search for messages and then it will open messages, but how do I get the cursor to the area where I need to type?  When I use Voiceover, I also can't figure out how to select things.  Without VO on I can just press enter to select something but with VO on it won't let me.  I assume that's because you have to double tap on the phone. So I tried pressing ener twice quickly but it won't work.  Any help would be appreciated.  


Anna E Givens

Sent from my iPhone

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