[Electronics-Talk] braille displays

Tracy Carcione carcione at access.net
Thu Jan 14 14:27:22 UTC 2016

I have an Alva 40-cell display.  There is a model that connects via
Bluetooth.  The display is only 4 inches back to front, and about a foot
long. It's very easy to carry around.
The model I have connects via USB, but I imagine the Bluetooth model would
work well with a smart phone.

-----Original Message-----
From: Electronics-Talk [mailto:electronics-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
Behalf Of Chip Orange via Electronics-Talk
Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2016 9:20 AM
To: Discussion of accessible home electronics and appliances
Cc: Chip Orange
Subject: [Electronics-Talk] braille displays

I have never used a braille display, so don't know which models even to

I would appreciate it if someone would answer on the question of what would
be a good low-cost, easily portable, braille display suitable for use with
an Iphone?  I interpret the original post to have included this question.
(not just where to go for good used device prices).

Thanks for any info.

Chip Orange
Florida Public Service Commission
Computer Systems Analyst

-----Original Message-----
From: Electronics-Talk [mailto:electronics-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
Behalf Of James Aldrich via Electronics-Talk
Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2016 10:52 PM
To: S L Johnson; Discussion of accessible home electronics and appliances
Cc: James Aldrich
Subject: Re: [Electronics-Talk] Suggestions and Recommendations Needed

Hi Sandra

Check with flying brind LLC for good prices on braille displays.  The web
address is:
He has good prices on braille displays. Android is catching up with the
iPhone but the IPhone still has better accessibility.  One can get
reasonably priced older Iphones from most cell carriers.  I'm wishing you
the very best!

Jim ,  

Sent from my iPad

> On Jan 12, 2016, at 6:44 PM, S L Johnson via Electronics-Talk
<electronics-talk at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Good Evening List:
> I am sending this message to both the Talk and Electtronics list so, I 
> apologize for those who will get it twice.  That is why computers have 
> delete keys.
> I am considering getting a smart phone.  I know the Apple phones are 
> almost twice the price of the android phones.  However, I do have a few
> What kind of phone should I consider?
> Which model is the most accessible?
> Do any of them have a tactile keyboard instead of a touch screen?
> Will I have the same kind of helpful apps for the blind as you do with 
> the iPhones?
> I know the NFB Reader and Newsline are on the iPhone but, are they 
> available for the android and do they work as well?
> Does the NLS BARD work well on the android phones?
> My second list of questions has to do with braille displays for the 
> phone and computer.
> I have recently had some hearing problems and I will soon have to 
> purchase a Braille display.  It is getting hard to understand the 
> speech even with my speakers turned all the way up.  Any 
> recommendations and suggestions will be appreciated.  I somehow have to do
this all on a very limited low income.
> Does anyone know if there are any provisions under vocational rehab, 
> social security or Medicare  that will assist a senior citizen if 
> their situation has changed as mine has with the hearing problems?
> I am not as worried about orientation and mobility because my 
> wonderful golden is doing great at being both my eyes and ears.  
> However, I do need to find louder devices to be my audible cue to 
> locate my home among all the identical homes in this development.  I 
> know Eva will turn into our driveway but, I do feel better having that 
> audible cue just in case she is distracted or I have to go out with a 
> cane.  I found out that I can no longer hear the wind chimes and 
> wireless doorbell I have been using.  Are there any kind of tactile
vibrating location devices?
> Before someone recommends hearing aids, I cannot use them because I am 
> allergic to all the things they have tried.  I cannot put anything 
> into or behind my ears without a severe allergic reaction.  I 
> apologize for all the questions but, I know we do have some deaf/blind 
> folks out there on this and other NFB lists.  If anyone can think of 
> anything else I can consider, please let me know.  Thanks in advance for
any help and suggestions.
> Sandra
> <S L Johnson.vcf>
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