[Electronics-Talk] dishwashers
Christopher Chaltain
chaltain at gmail.com
Wed Jan 27 02:15:55 UTC 2016
The GE I have is model GLD7768V00SS. It has push buttons with lights to
indicate if they've been pushed or not. The select cycle button has a
series of lights, and as you push the button, it cycles between the
different lights. Like I said, I find it very simple and accessible.
On 26/01/16 16:26, Ashley Bramlett via Electronics-Talk wrote:
> Hello,
> True, its difficult to find appliances with push buttons and knobs.
> I saw the appliances at stores like sears which all had flat screens.
> Not that I was looking though as I live with sighted people, but I did
> wonder about independent access.
> We used to own a GE dish washer with pushbuttons, but not anymore.
> Our newer dishwasher is GE too with a flat screen. To add to that, it
> has lights when it is on each cycle and turns another color when cycle
> is done.
> Since I can see a little, I can see the light change to tell when its done.
> I can see why Gerald says what he does.
> Chris mentioned a GE dishwasher with real push buttons. I'm curious if
> this dishwasher has menues or lights.
> What is the model?
> Thanks.
> Ashley
> -----Original Message----- From: Gerald Levy via Electronics-Talk
> Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 10:29 AM
> To: Discussion of accessible home electronics and appliances
> Cc: Gerald Levy
> Subject: Re: [Electronics-Talk] dishwashers
> Unfortunately, it is difficult to find appliances these days that still use
> mechanical pushbuttons and knobs. Soft touch electronic pushbuttons
> seem to
> be the norm, and unless they emit an audible sound when they are
> pressed, it
> is impossible to know whether they have been activated without being
> able to
> see the status of the indicator lights. I can no longer do my own laundry
> in the laundry room of my apartment complex because the washers and dryers
> have flat panel electronic pushbuttons whose status is impossible to
> determine without sighted help, and they use a totally inaccessible laundry
> card system to boot instead of coins. Is this supposed to be "progress"?
> Gerald
> -----Original Message----- From: evelyn weckerly via Electronics-Talk
> Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 10:18 AM
> To: Discussion of accessible home electronics and appliances
> Cc: evelyn weckerly
> Subject: Re: [Electronics-Talk] dishwashers
> Hi, Chris,
> I lookf at dishwashers at my favorite appliance store nesterday
> evening. The ones that have push buttons have just lights to
> indicate selected settings. Some of the buttons were onstoff,
> and others had menus. My old dishwashg has a row of buttons and
> no onscreen menus. When you push a button, you know that the
> item has been activated because the button remains pushed down
> throughout the cycle. The new dishwashers don't do that. I
> don't want to have to have someone rescct the choices I use most
> Eenever there is a problem. Are your buttons light-dependent, or
> does each button remain pushed in until the cycle is finished?
> Thanks.
> Evelyn
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Christopher Chaltain via Electronics-Talk
> <electronics-talk at nfbnet.org
> To: Discussion of accessible home electronics and
> appliances<electronics-talk at nfbnet.org
> Date sent: Tue, 26 Jan 2016 01:34:14 -0600
> Subject: Re: [Electronics-Talk] dishwashers
> I bought a GE in 2012 that just has a row of buttons across the
> top.
> It's perfectly accessible. I'd suggest going to a big box store
> and just
> checking out your different options.
> aOn 25/01/16 12:29, evelyn weckerly via Electronics-Talk wrote:
> Hi, Everyone,
> I'm succenly in the market for a new dishwasher because mine
> would not
> start and, being almost 22 years old, is likely dead. Because
> it had a
> row of buttons, I had to do nothing about accessibility-not even
> labels. I'd be interested in your eanderiences with recent
> models
> concerning accessibility and reliability. Thanks in advance.
> Cordially,
> Evelyn
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> Christopher (CJ)
> chaltain at Gmail
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Christopher (CJ)
chaltain at Gmail
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