[Electronics-Talk] Wanting To Switch from a VarioUltra 40 to a 20 so my 40 is for sale

Rich Cavallaro richcav1014 at gmail.com
Mon May 16 08:47:19 UTC 2016

Hi all,
 I am wanting to switch back to a VarioUltra 20 from a 40 cell so I can
 have a more
  portable braille solution. So before I can do that, I am wanting to
  sell my less than
  one year old VarioUltra 40 to help finance the 20 cell purchase.  The
 package comes with the display, the
  leather case, USB charging cable and wall charger. All cells, keys and
  the battery
  function with no issues at all. The unit also has warranty until July 2017.
 I am asking $2500 or best offer for the 40 cel model.
 That price includes shipping.
 if you have any questions, please contact me off list by emailing
richcav1014 at gmail.com
Rich Cavallaro

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