[Electronics-Talk] {Disarmed} Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday, February 23, 2017 - Volume 599
Flying Blind, LLC
enews at flying-blind.com
Thu Feb 23 09:01:32 UTC 2017
Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday, February 23, 2017 - Volume 599
The Week's News in Adaptive Technology
A Flying Blind, LLC Publication
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Read this Volume of Top Tech Tidbits on the web at: http://bit.ly/tidbits599.
This Week's Featured Advertisement: One Gently Used Smart Beetle 14 Cell Braille Display for $995.00 USD - Flying Blind, LLC Online Store
Flying Blind, LLC is pleased to offer One Gently Used Smart Beetle 14 Cell Braille Display, manufactured by HIMS, for $995.00 USD, approximately 25% off if its suggested list price. This units still has approximately 1 year remaining on its Manufacturer's Warranty, and is in mint condition. The Smart Beetle is a 14 Cell Braille display that brings the world to your fingertips by connecting to multiple devices with up to 5 simultaneous Bluetooth connections! It's the lightest, most portable Braille display available. Take it with you to school, to work, or on vacation and have reliable, Braille access to all of your mobile phones, tablets, and computers! Treat yourself with the gift of pocket-sized Braille access, either for yourself, or someone else you care about, at a most affordable price. Price includes shipping within the 48 continental United States. We have only one of these units available, and it will be sold on a first come, first serve, basis. To be the first to secure this unit, please use the Buy Now link below. For additional questions, or to purchase this product offline, email featured at flying-blind.com or call +1 (216) 381-8107 today. We're standing by to assist.
Buy Now - One Gently Used Smart Beetle 14 Cell Braille Display for $995.00 USD - Flying Blind, LLC Online Store
Dear Rolando,
1) AFB and NRTChave combined to assemble an extra-large issue of AccessWorld for February 2017. It includes "Consumer Electronics Show 2017 Highlights," "ATIA Exhibitors Deliver Product Updates and a Few New Tools," "BARD Express: NLS Talking Books and Magazines When and Where You Want Them," "MyReader and MyEye from OrCam: Text and Item Recognition at the Touch of a Finger," "Easier-to-Use Cell Phone Options for People with Vision Loss," "Using Your Phone's Low-Vision Features," "Diabetes Management Devices and Technology for People with Visual Impairments," "What Is it and Where Did it Go?: Object Identification Solutions," "When Hearing Loss Causes More Vision Loss," and "Stay Safe and Independent: Get Help in an Emergency with Mobile Apps and Services:"
2) As anticipated last week, NVDA 2017.1 has been released, with reporting of sections and text columns in Microsoft Word; support for reading, navigating and annotating books in Kindle for PC; and improved support for Microsoft Edge:
3A) In other NVDA news, the basic training material they have produced can now be downloaded in DAISY audio for $45.00:
3B) And if you want to understand the different steps in the NVDA development process, explanations can be found in the 16 February installment of the In-Process Blog:
4) Fedora Outlier offers four training packages, each costing $27 per month, on the Mac, iOS, the iWork suite on the Mac, and audio production. For information email:
excellence at fedoraoutlier.com
5) If you join the windows-10-and-jaws mailing list, besides gaining access to the list, you can access a growing set of audio and textual instructional materials. To join, e-mail:
windows-10-and-jaws-subscribe at yahoogroups.co.in
6A) In news from VFO, FSCast Episode #137 features news about Freedom Scientific's presence at next week's CSUN conference and lots of talk about promised future developments:
6B) And Eyes on Success Eipsode #1709 focuses on low vision products from VFO:
7) For $72 you can take Hartgen Consultancy's newest course, 24 Karat Gold, about the Goldwave audio editor:
8) The "Expanded Blind Bargains Guide to Attending the CSUN Conference on a Budget" is interesting even if you can't attend:
9) An excellent and lengthy review, "Live on the Edge, or have an Ultra Lifestyle? An In-depth review of HIMS and Baum Braille Displays," has been prepared by Scott Davert:
10) A contractor with National Industries for the Blind seeks Contract Closeout Specialists in Dayton, OH and Richmond, VA. You can read more about this under the employment link at:
11A) Now available is the latest episode of the Maccessibility Roundtable Podcast, #125:
11B) RNIB Tech Talk #167:
11C) And the Blind Side, #24:
Flying Blind, LLC Classified Ads:
1.) One Gently Used Smart Beetle 14 Cell Braille Display for $995.00 USD - Flying Blind, LLC Online Store
Price: $995.00 USD
Savings: Offered here at approximately 25% off of its suggested list price.
Contact: http://bit.ly/2jhl8zl.
Description: This unit still has approximately 1 year remaining on its Manufacturer's Warranty, and is in mint condition. The Smart Beetle is a 14 Cell Braille display that brings the world to your fingertips ...
2.) Brand New BrailleNote Apex 32 Cell Notetaker with Perkins Style Braille Keyboard and Executive Products Carrying Case for $2,995.00 USD - Flying Blind, LLC Online Store
Price: $2,995.00 USD
Savings: Offered here at approximately $2,000.00 off of its suggested list price.
Contact: http://bit.ly/2ltLbFV.
Description: Not only do these prices include shipping within the 48 Continental United states, but we're also offering each of our customers a complimentary Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus as well as an ...
3.) Brand New BrailleNote Apex 18 Cell Notetaker with Perkins Style Braille Keyboard and Executive Products Carrying Case for $1,995.00 USD - Flying Blind, LLC Online Store
Price: $1,995.00 USD
Savings: Offered here at approximately $2,000.00 off of its suggested list price.
Contact: http://bit.ly/2lmWYJl.
Description: Not only do these prices include shipping within the 48 Continental United states, but we're also offering each of our customers a complimentary Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus as well as an ...
4.) One Responsibly Used Brailliant BI 32 Cell New Generation Refreshable Braille Display with Executive Products Carrying Case for $1,595.00 USD - Flying Blind, LLC Online Store
Price: $1,595.00 USD
Savings: Offered here at approximately 40% off of its suggested list price.
Contact: http://bit.ly/2j9rhBl.
Description: This portable, pristine, powerhouse of a refreshable Braille display gives you desktop USB/Bluetooth access in a form factor conducive to use with your favorite portable tablet and/or smartphone ...
5.) One MagniLink S Premium Video Magnification System for $1,995.00 USD - Flying Blind, LLC Online Store
Price: $1,995.00 USD
Savings: Offered here at approximately $2,000.00 USD off its suggested list price.
Contact: http://bit.ly/2beNzxK.
Description: The MagniLink S Premium with Full HD (1080p) offers exceptional image quality. With Full HD, even more detail can be viewed in texts and images, giving the sharpest possible image in both ...
6.) One Gently Used Optelec Clearview Plus 22 Inch Monitor with Ultra Flex Arm for $1,995.00 USD - Flying Blind, LLC Online Store
Price: $1,995.00 USD
Savings: Offered here at approximately $1,300.00 USD off its suggested list price.
Contact: http://bit.ly/29Qym36.
Description: Optelec's Clearview line of video magnifiers is Flying Blind, LLC's preferred desktop solution for the low-vision user seeking comfort, simplicity, ergonomics, and versatility ...
Flying Blind, LLC Online Store Highlights:
1.) Welcome to OWAC! Operating Within A Cloud! 'OWAC: Where The Sky's The Limit!' - Flying Blind, LLC Online Store
OWAC Onsite = $1,000.00 USD + Pre-approved travel expenses. OWAC Remote = $500.00 USD
The OWAC Professional Development Workshop marries decades of assistive technology know-how with the fast-paced expectations of a predominantly sighted world. Are you serving students ...
2.) 'iOS in the Classroom: A Guide for Teaching Students with Visual Impairments, iOS 9 Edition' Authored By Larry L. Lewis, Jr., President, Flying Blind LLC, and Published by AFB Press - AFB Online Store
Paperback: $29.95, Online: $17.95, ePUB: $20.95, Kindle: $20.95
This book represents a 'must have' for any direct service provider working with vision impaired consumers who are using iOS technology within their educational or pre-vocational settings ...
3.) Silver Indoor Outdoor Talking Thermometer for $16.95 USD - Flying Blind, LLC Online Store
Indoor and outdoor temperature spoken at the touch of a button, Fahrenheit or Celsius, volume control and on/off switch. LCD visual display can show either indoor or outdoor temperature ...
4.) Perkins Mini Braille Display 16 Cell for $1,495.00 USD Each and 24 Cell for $2,295.00 USD Each - Flying Blind, LLC Online Store
A portable Braille display with more to offer for less money. The Mini provides Braille input and output for PCs, tablets, mobile phones, and gives you that internal notetaking functionality ...
5.) Large Print Address Book for $16.00 USD - Flying Blind, LLC Online Store
Spiral bound book. Holds up to 500 address listings. Three address listings per page. Includes 20/20 pen. Durable covers with inside front and back pockets. Alphabetical tabs and ample room ...
6.) Smart Beetle 14 Cell Refreshable Braille Display with Executive Products Carrying Case for $1,275.00 USD - Flying Blind, LLC Online Store
A Pocket-sized Power Pack That Fits Your Lifestyle and Your Budget! Ultra-Portable 14-Cell Braille Display with 5 Simultaneous Bluetooth Connections! Smart Beetle is a 14 Cell Braille ...
7.) Large Print Check Register for $8.75 USD - Flying Blind, LLC Online Store
Spiral bound register helps keep better control of check recording. Contains spaces for 14 entries per full page. Size: 5" x 9" ...
8.) Braille Edge 40 Braille Display with Executive Products Carrying Case for $2,795.00 USD - Flying Blind, LLC Online Store
The most powerful and versatile Braille display, with the features of a basic Notetaker! Manage Your Daily Life! Braille EDGE 40 is not only a most reliable, high-performance refreshable Braille ...
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ONLINE STORE: Shopping for accessible technology? Check out the Flying Blind, LLC Online Store at: http://www.flying-blind.com/store.html. All products offered in the Flying Blind, LLC Online Store are products that Larry L. Lewis, Jr. either personally uses, or publicly endorses. Flying Blind, LLC is proud to offer free Shipping & Handling on all orders over $100.00 USD within the 48 continental United States.
QUESTIONS: Tidbits are intentionally concise, and we know a lot of people may not understand some items because little explanation is given. If a particular Tidbit brings up a question in your mind, feel free to ask, and we will try to answer as time and knowledge permit.
ARCHIVE: Visit the Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday Archive at: http://www.flying-blind.com/ttt_enews_archive.html where you can grab back issues.
CONTENT CONTRIBUTORS: Any information for future issues of Top Tech Tidbits may be directed to our editor, Dean Martineau, at: topdot at gmail.com.
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