[Electronics-Talk] New Way to Use Uber and Lyft Without a Smartphone

cheez cheez at cox.net
Fri Apr 6 01:30:59 UTC 2018

New Way to Use Uber and Lyft Without a Smartphone:
GoGo is an automated hotline that lets people use Uber and Lyft without needing a smartphone.

Uber and Lyft are available nationally; when you use GoGoGrandparent, we'll send you whichever one is cheapest at the time that you make your request for a ride. Their prices are typically up to 40 percent less than the cost of a cab.

Using GoGo is simple: callers call from a number they have registered with us and hear a menu of options. They can press 1 for a car to be sent to pick them up from their home, 2 for a car to be sent to pick them up where we dropped them off last, or 0 to speak with an operator for a custom pickup location. Once the driver arrives, they tell the driver where they want to go. When you make a request, a car shows up at your door within fifteen minutes, typically less. 

To register free of charge, please call (855) 464-6872 or visit <gogograndparent.com/register>. 



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