[Electronics-Talk] Electronics-Talk] Sound editor for blind

Ben Fulton bluezinfandel at hotmail.com
Tue Oct 30 14:10:11 UTC 2018

I tried downloading this program. There seemed to be a few troubles with the link. I had to resume the download a few times no matter what I tried, and then after installing the program, I can't actually open the file. My computer just gives me a pop up saying that there is an error in the file and to continue would risk data corruption. I tried saying ok and risking it, but the program just doesn't run.

Do you know of any other sound editors, It is something I am interested in, but have never found one I could use easily.

Btw, I would be interested both in programs to edit existing sound files like mp3's or creating your own music.

Kind regards,

Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2018 01:38:18 +0200
From: mario980 at sudermariusz.com.pl
To: electronics-talk at nfbnet.org
Subject: [Electronics-Talk] Sound editor for blind
Message-ID: <0c05b5de23c43bacd5ed4de97d544468 at sudermariusz.com.pl>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed

I have something useful for those who like electronic music. A new sound 
editor for blind ?Shadow and fLame3?. It can be downloaded from:



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