[Electronics-Talk] Tech it Out - VictorReader Trek

Amy Jine ajine.vistacenter at gmail.com
Mon Aug 31 17:30:25 UTC 2020


I'm forwarding this from one of my colleagues. The time is Pacific Time -
out of California. Please contact Bob if you have any questions!

*Tech it Out withVista – VictorReader Trek*

To receive the Zoom meeting ID and password please RSVP to Bob Geyer: by
usis this link or just reply to this email.  bobgeyer.vistacenter at gmail.com

The previous link was broken.

Come and joinus on September 4th from 10:00 – 11:30 am for another edition
of Tech it Out with Vista. This month’s guest will be Rachel Feinberg, West
Coast Blindness Product Specialist for Humanware. She will demonstrate some
of the upcoming new features and enhancements with the VictorReader Trek.
These will include: the new "Here" maps, used inself-driving vehicles.
These maps will soon be able to be loaded onto the Trek through an SD card.
The new virtual map browsing mode will allow you to browse streets around
your neighborhood or your friend's neighborhood. Whether they live across
the street, or across the country, the Trek's virtual map browsing mode
will allow you to become familiar with streets, intersections, and points
of interest around an area without ever leaving your home. This enhancement
will revolutionize your travel both virtually, and out and about. Come join
us as we explore the world around us.

To receive theZoom meeting ID and password please RSVP to Bob Geyer:
bobgeyer.vistacenter at gmail.com

Disclaimer: Please be advised that participating in internet services such
as webinars are not guaranteed to be secure and any information shared is
not private. By registering, you agree to being recorded and having this
webinar shared on Vista C


*Amy Jine*

*Transition Program Specialist*

*Vista Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired*

*101 N. Bascom Avenue*

*San Jose, CA 95128*

*M: (415) 886-7049 (preferred)*

ajine at vistacenter.org

Vista Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired

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*Donate Today <http://www.vistacenter.org/how_to_help.html>

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