[Electronics-Talk] WiFi boosters, any suggestions?

ibrahim abed rabbo abedrabboibrahim at gmail.com
Tue Mar 31 22:48:05 UTC 2020

Hello folks,

I hope you are all doing well in these difficult and uncertain times.

Now, since most people are working from home, most internet providers are
throttling the routers to reduce the load on their servers. For this reason,
I began to notice a significant drop in my Comcast speed. To make up the
difference, I am looking to purchase a WiFi booster to bring my internet
speed back to an acceptable strength. 

I am working from home and internet speed is very important to my type of
work.  I just started to use Zoom to teach all of my classes. The type of
booster I hope to buy should be easy to setup. I like it to have an
accessible setup procedure because I prefer not to bother any of my sighted
friends with making a trip to my home to help, especially that my state is
under a stay home order. 


Any suggestions would be appreciated.





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