[Electronics-Talk] Accessible TV's at Best Buy

Danielle Ledet singingmywayin at gmail.com
Sat Nov 7 03:45:13 UTC 2020

Hello Everyone,
I am going to Best Buy tomorrow to look at some TV's. Which ones have
you all bought from there that connect to WiFi and are accessible? I
have a Roku TV and love it but am interested in trying another speech
engine. Does the remote on your TV have a number pad? Can it connect
to an HD antenna for over the air channels? I am interested in having
Netflix, Hulu, Disney Plus, Prime Video and BET Plus apps. Does it
have the capability for all of those? My Roku doesn't and this is not
a dealbreaker, but I want something that is easy to use. It will be
for my bedroom. And, do the techs come out and set it up?
Thanks everyone!
How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young,
compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and
tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will
have been all of these.
George Washington Carver
Email: singingmywayin at gmail.com

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