[Electronics-Talk] Accessible coffee makers

Cheryl LeFurgey clefurgey at gmail.com
Wed Sep 23 11:37:43 UTC 2020

Hi everyone.
I've been searching for months, trying to find an accessible coffee maker to replace one i bought, but with no real success.
I bought a five cup maker a while back, but haven't really been able to use it because the pot is steel, so it gets so hot I can hardly touch it. Which, being blind, I kind of need to touch things lol.
Anyway, I've been trying to find a thermal coffee maker for months, but can't find much. Either they're too big, (I really don't need a twelve cup machine), the design is weird, (I read about one where you have to take the lid off the carafe and leave it open with the basket just kind of sitting there(, or they have touch screens.
My ideal machine would be five to eight cups, with a thermal carafe, and of course, actual buttons.
I'm in Canada, so something local would be great.
Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,


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