[Electronics-Talk] Blind Cord Cutters List

Peter pdonahue2 at satx.rr.com
Wed Jun 23 19:42:17 UTC 2021


Hello everyone:



The Blind Cord Cutters List is a place for blind persons to learn how they
can lower their monthly cable tv bill by using cable replacement services.
It is a place to learn how to successfully migrate from traditional cable tv
services to services that allow one to watch TV over the Internet on many
different devices. Discussions concerning the use of these services to watch
tv over the Internet using these cable tv alternatives are strongly
encouraged. Topics can include which services offer a wide variety of
content, which apps and services work well with assistive technology on a
wide variety of devices, ways to access video description via these
services, available accessible documentation for cable replacement services,
and potential work-arounds for stand-alone apps that don't work well for
blind viewers. Efforts to urge cable replacement service providers to
improve the blind-friendliness of their products are also welcome. Happy
cord cutting.




- Subscribers can join your list by sending email to
blindcordcutters-request at freelists.org
<mailto:blindcordcutters-request at freelists.org>  with 

'subscribe' in the Subject field OR by visiting your list page at 





- To post on this mailing list, simply send email to
blindcordcutters at freelists.org <mailto:blindcordcutters at freelists.org> 


List Admin:


                The list owner is Peter Donahue. For list concerns he can be
reached at:

pmdonahue2 at gmail.com <mailto:pmdonahue2 at gmail.com> 


                Welcome to a new way to watch television without the high
costs of cable.

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