[Electronics-Talk] Restaurant Tablets

David Andrews dandrews920 at comcast.net
Sun May 16 02:38:51 UTC 2021

What the headphone jack is depends on the tablet.  if it is an iPad 
it would be lightning.

This situation would be covered by the ADA, because a restaurant is a 
public place. It says they have to make an accommodation, but does 
not specify what.  It could be reading you the menu, and taking your order.


At 08:59 PM 5/15/2021, you wrote:
>Does anyone know if restaurants which have the paying tablets at each table
>are supposed to issue earphones for us blind folk?
>I'm assuming the only ones out there are the one-ear variety kind.
>I sure hope they do have them.  I don't know anyone who has the smaller
>audio jack devices.  I think they are 1/16th inch and are mono.  If I'm
>wrong about that, I know one of you guys will correct me.

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