[Electronics-Talk] Seeking Microwave Recommendations

Doug Payne doug_Payne at hotmail.com
Thu May 5 17:25:56 UTC 2022


I know this has been discussed here before. I apologize for the rerun. I admit I didn't pay attention to the earlier posts because I thought my old appliance was just fine. A sighted friend just told me that the glass in the oven door is now failing. So now I'm in the market for a new oven, and I'd like your opinions.

I'm looking for an oven which isn't too large, say about 1.4 cubic feet or smaller. Having an oven which I can control via Alexa would be nice, but not strictly necessary. I do want to be able to operate the oven directly with the keypad. The oven should have a +30 second button, and I also want to be able to adjust the power level and use the defrost feature.  I don't mind putting locator dots on the keypad to make the microwave usable.

I'm considering these two ovens. I like the smaller one because it will take up less space on the counter, but it doesn't have as many vvoice/Alexa commands. But  that won't matter as much as long as I can completely operate the oven via keypad. Do you have any experience with these devices?

Sharp ZSMC1449FS Smart Countertop Microwave Oven 1.4 cubic foot
Sharp ZSMC1139FS Smart Countertop Microwave Oven 1.1 Cubic Foot

Of course, I welcome your descriptions of experiences with other ovens. Thanks everyone for reading.
--Doug, AC7T

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