[Fabs] Nabs conference call: Philosiphy 101

Darian Smith dsmithnfb at gmail.com
Sat Apr 24 23:57:24 UTC 2010

   we would like to extend  an invitation to join the national
association of blind studentsin discussing federation philosiphy (or
as much as we  all know about it).  April 25th a 7 p.m. eastren time.

  the guest speakers  will be ron gardner  and sam gleese.
 Ron is the  prisident of the NFB of Utah and a board member  of the
national   federation of the blind.
 Sam is the  president of the NFB of Mississippi.
   please join  us  on the conference  line  712.775.7100
 passcode 257963

 if you can't make it for some reason- no problem,
 the call  will be streamed live  recorded so individuals who can't
make it but really want to know what they missed can find out too!
  thanks so much and we look forward to seeing you there!

Darian Smith
 membership co-char
 board member
 National association of  blind students

Skype: The_Blind_Truth
Windows Live: Lightningrod2010 at live.com
 " Life is not about always making the right dicisions, it's about
learning which dicisions are the  right ones to make."

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